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Serving Individuals, Couples, and Families in the Greater Los Angeles Area


              Zainy Pirbhai, LMFT                                   Rob Thomas, MFTI                              Gioia Jacobson, MFTI                       Zhaklin Shakhbandaryan, LMFT

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the qualifications for a Marriage and Family Therapist? 
Marriage and family therapy is a distinct professional discipline with graduate and post graduate programs. Three options are available for those interested in becoming a marriage and family therapist: master's degree (2-3 years), doctoral program (3-5 years), or post-graduate clinical training programs (3-4 years).

Is therapy right for me?
People have many reasons for seeking out therapy. Sometimes they want to deal with long-standing difficulties, frustrations, or maybe unexpected changes in their lives. Other times, a person wants to attend therapy to pursue personal exploration and growth. A therapist can help provide insight, support and new strategies for all types of life challenges. Therapy can be successful for anyone who is interested in getting the most out of their life, including creating greater self-awareness and making positive changes in one’s life.

How can therapy help me?
Therapy can be helpful in providing you with emotional support, teaching problem-solving skills or and enhanced coping strategies for issues such as relationship issues, unresolved current or childhood pain, grief, stress, depression, anxiety and many other challenges.

What is therapy like?
Therapy can be experienced in many different ways. Each therapy session is just as unique as each therapist and caters to each client’s specific goals. Therapy can be short-term, focusing on a specific issue or longer-term, dealing with more complex issues and/or ongoing personal growth.